
Naruto Shippuuden 455


Part 1
Danzo in Hokage garb:
Danzo dalam pakaian hokage
"Huu, Toneru [sic. - "Torune"], stay behind. Terai, I'm leaving Kabuto to you. Go."

"Huu,Toneru,tetap di belakang. terai, saya percayakan kabuto padamu"

3 Root members: "Yes, sir."
3 anggota root. "ya tuan"
One leaves to go after Kabuto (Terai).
Terai pergi mengejar kabuto
Danzo: "Well then... I'll leave here for the Kage Summit. The summit is exclusive except for two picked men.I am thinking of one or two from Root. I'll leave it to you two. Masks are forbidden. Take them off."
Danzo:"baiklah..saya akan pergi ke pertemuan kage. pertemuan ini khusus kecuali 2 oarang terpilih. saya pikir 1 atau 2 dari root. saya serahkan pada kalian berdua. topeng dilarang. buka topeng kalian"
The two Root members take off their masks.
2 anggota root melepas topengnya
One, who's name is Huu, resembles Pein's Petra Realm body.
Huu seperti tubuh pain
One, who's name is Torune, wears a cloth open only at the eyes.
Torune memakai pakaian hanya mata yang terlihat
Both are wearing shinobi garb.
keduanya berpakaian ninja
Huu (the Petra-looking one): "To what level should we be armed for escort..."
Huu: "samapai bagaiamana kita memperkuat pengawalan"
Danzo: "I don't worry about such things. Huu, I'll leave it to you."
Danzo:"saya tak mencemaskan apapun. saya akan menyerahkannya padamu huu"
Danzo: "Torune, you keep an eye out for subordinates. Sai is acting as if he might betray Root, so be cautious."
Danzo: "torune, perhatikan pada anggota lain. sai seperti mau mengkhianati root, jadi hati-hati"
Danzo: "Don't let the Kyuubi leave the village. Be thorough about it."
Danzo:"jangan biarkan kyuubi meninggalkan desa. teliti hal itu"
Turn - Naruto
Kembali ke naruto
Karui: "Haa, haa."
Fatigue from hitting.
kelelahan di hajar
Naruto's face is beaten and bruised, yet he he still stands up.
muka Naruto sudah babak belur tapi masih berdiri
Sai is still watching.
sai masih melihat
Omoi: "..."
"I said it before! No matter what we do, our feelings will never go
away. I'll continue forever until you talk about Sasuke."
Karui: "sudah saya bilang!tak pedulli apa yg kita lakukan perasaan dendamku takkan hilang. saya akan terus sampai kau bicara tentang sasuke"
Karui raises her hand(s) over her head: "Uaaa!!"
karui mau melanjutkan memukul
Sai appears in front of Naruto and stops Karui's fist.
sai tampil dan menahan tinju karui
Karui: "Don't get in the way! It's just what this guy was asking for."
karui: "jangan ikut campur. ini cuma apap maunya"
Sai strains against her clenched fists.
sai menepiskan genggaman tinju karui
Naruto: "...Sai... You, fall back."
naruto:"sai kau minggirlah"
Part 2
Sai, with a little perturbed look: "Naruto... It's not necessary for you to be beaten up for someone like Sasuke's sake."
"naruto kkau tak perlu dipukuli orang hanya karena sasuke"
Naruto: "Shu'up, it's my way of doing it."
"diam ini jalanku"
Sai reminisces and remembers Naruto's words:
long time ago, I hated everything about Sasuke... But, the time we were
together was really a lot of fun. Because Sasuke is my friend. Because
I was finally able to create a bond..."
dulu aku juga sangat benci sasuke tapi setelah bersama dan begitu banyak kesenganan. karena sasuke juga temanku. akhirnya aku bisa menciptakan ikatan
Sai: "Sasuke... Wouldn't he just hurt you (Naruto)? ...If it were me."
"apakah kau mau disakiti jika sasuke itu aku?"
Karui: "If you're going to get in the way, then I'll give you some too - here!"
karui:"jika kau menghalangi kau akan kupukul juga"
She raises her fist and Omoi stops her.
omoi menghentikannya
"That's enough, Karui! We won't get anywhere by knocking these guys
around. You of all people should understand! He promised us to help
rescue Killer B."
omoi:"cukup. kita takkan kemana2 dengan memukuli anak ini.kalian semua harus mengerti dia telah berjanji pada kami semua untuk menyelamatkan killer bee"
Karui: "What's that?! Don't you doubt whether this
promise is really true like always? You're always careful yet this
isn't like you!"
karui:"apa, apakah kau tak ragu janji itu. kau selalu hati2.ini bukan kau"
Naruto sits down. Sai: "Naruto..."
naruto duduk
Omoi looks in his direction.
"You come this far and don't sell out your friends... Even an enemy. I
like a guy like this - guys that don't thoughtlessly say things."
omoi:"kau dah sejauh ini dan tak mau mengkhiananti kawanmu.. bahkan pada musuh. saya suka anak ini yang tak bicara langsung"
Part 3
Omoi: "No matter how much you hit him, this guy won't sell out Sasuke. He's the type that doesn't bend what he says."
omoi:"tak peduli berapapun kau pukul dia takkan bicara tentang sasuke.dia tipe orang yang tak mengingkari kata2nya"
Samui: "Omoi, Karui, what kind of things did you get from your information gathering?"
samui:"omoi karui informasi apa yang kalian dapat?"
Omoi: "Ah! Samui-taichou [means "commander", but sounds out of place in Naruto]
Karui: !
Samui: "I take it there weren't any problems or anything."
samui:"kukira tak ada masalah kan"
Karui: "..."
"More importantly, we learned that Killer B may still be alive! Let's
go save him! First, let's find "Akatsuki"'s hideout and surround it!"
omoi:"yang penting, kami tau killer bee masih hidup. mari selamatkan dia.pertama temukan persembunyian akatsuki dan mengepungnya"
"And then what would we do? Against those that caught Killer B, only
us... Besides, we don't know how many hideouts "Akatsuki" has that we
would have to reduce to rubble...
samui:"dan apa yg akan kita lakukan melawan orang yang menangkap akatsuki, cuma kita kita tak tau berapa tempat persembunyian alkatsuki"
Firstly, lets analyze the
information we collected - that'll make it much faster! I don't want to
go repeating the same mistake like we did with Yugito.
pertama kita analisa informasi yang ada aku tak mau mengulang kesalahan yg dilakukan yugito
We'll take the information to Raikage and hand it to him personally! Because we have too much information."
berikan informasi ini pada raikage
Naruto: "M... Me too... Take me with you... Please...
naruto: "bawa saya bersama kalian"
I'll... Work with you and help be a pillar of strength for you all..."
saya akan bekerja dan menolong kalian
Part 4
Sai: "Naruto!"
Naruto: "Besides, the Raikage... I have an idea I want to discuss..."
naruto: "lagipula saya ada sesuatu yng akan dibicarakan dengan raikage"
Karui: "The Raikgae?! Don't mess with us, bastard!"
karui:"raikage, jangan bercanda dodol"
Sai stops Karui. [perhaps she tried to hit him again]
sai menghentikan karui lagi mungkin dia mau memukul naruto lagi
Samui, while looking at Naruto: (This child is Naruto... The one everyone in Konoha is talking about, Uzumaki Naruto...)
samui: "anak ini naruto yang sedang dibicarakan penduduk"
Samui remembers a conversation of Konoha citizens.
samu mengingat pembicaraan penduduk
Citizen 1: "Is it possible that Naruto has come this far..."
"naruto sudah seperti ini saekarang..."
Citizen 2: "He's a hero. He's expected to become Hokage (someday)!"
"dia pahwlawan. dia mungkin akan jadi hokage suatu hari"
"I can't do something like take someone without a clear background to
see the Raikage when I'm short of hands to guard you at present while
on the move."
samui:"saya tak bisa membawa seseorang tanpa alasan jelas pada raikage. saya juga tak bisa menjagamu di perjalanan"
Naruto: "..."
Samui: "Well, Karui, Omoi, we're
going! We've got permission to look at information on Sasuke and
"Akatsuki". Transcribing will take time - I'll need your help as well."
samui:"baiklah omoi,karui kita berangkat kita telah dapat izin mencari info tentang akatsuki dan sasuke"
Omoi, Karui and Samui leave the place.
Naruto: "Sai..."
Sai: "What?"
Naruto: "Where Kakashi-sensei and Captain Yamato are... Take me... Please..."
naruto:"sai dimana kakashi dan yamato bawa saya kesana"
Kakashi and Yamato are watching over.
Sai: "Would it be better if Sakura-san took care of him..."
sai:"semoga ini membaik setelah di urus sakura"
wrapped in bandages: "If she saw me in this condition, things would get
complicated again. Besides, the injuries are healing fast so it's okay."
jika dia melihat saya dalam kondisi ini lagi akan kacau.
Naruto: "Sai... Sorry about earlier..."
naruto:"sai maafkan saya tadi"
Sai smiles: "Nah..."
Part 5
Kakashi: "That was definitely some beating you took."
kakashi:"apa yang memukulmu"
Naruto: "Heheh..."
Kakashi reminisces about his conversation with Sai.
kakashi bicara pada sai
Kakashi: "Really... Naruto did something like that..."
"benarkah... naruto melkaikan itu/...."
Sai: "Kakashi-sensei?"
Kakashi: "Hm?"
"This bond Naruto and Saukra have tormenting them between Sasuke - is
it really that important of a thing? Why do those two go so far, even
though they are hurt..."
sai:"ikatana naruto sakura dan sasuke hal sangat penting ya?mengapa naruto dan sakura sampai melakukan ini, bahkan sampai mereka disakiti"
Kakashi: "Sai... You're supposed to keep an eye out on Naruto, right?"
kakashi:"sai kau memperhatikan naruto ya"
Sai: "...Tha... That's...!!"
"It's okay... I know... Stepping in and helping Naruto wasn't something
you did to keep an eye on him - you, too, are gradually noticing, I
expect... Sai."
kakakshi:"tak apa2 saya tau menolong naruto kau memperhatikannya saya menghargainya"
Yamato and Kakashi are watching Naruto and Sai.
Sai is tending to Naruto's injuries.
Naruto: "Ow, ow, ow, ow"
Sai: "S... Sorry..."
Kakashi: "Just for a bit, we need to rest or else..."
kakashi:"kita butuh istirahat"
Naruto: "Let me meet the Raikage!!"
"biarkan saya menemui raikage"
Part 6 (awaiting for complete translation...)
Kakashi and Yamato: !?
Kakashi: "When you meet, what will you do?"
"setelah bertemu apa yang akan kau lakukan"
"The Five Kage Summit is coming up! It's decided that even the isolated
villages will refrain from letting anyone leave or sending out
"pertemuan kage akan dimulai semua desa akan menghentikan pengiriman masuk atau keluar misi"
Naruto: "I need to persuade them to pardon Sasuke!"
naruto:"saya perlu bertemu untuk meminta maaf bagi sasuke"
Yamato: "Now you don't even have your seal necklace! You, a Jinchuuriki, can't expect to go out of the village!
"kau host kyuubi kau tak boleh keluar dari desa"
besides that, you transformed to the Kyubi as far as the eighth tail!
You're lucky the seal restrictions activated and checked the Kyubi, but
what will happen next time?!
"dan transformasi mu sudah ekor 8 kau beruntung segelmu diaktifkan, tapi apa yg terjadi berikutnya?"
And, I've been assigned to reconstruct the village - I can't always be with you!"
dan saya ditugaskan membangun desa saya tak bisa selalu denganmu
Naruto: "I met the Fourth (Hokage)."
naruto:"saya bertemu hokage ke 4"
Sai, Kakashi and Yamato: !!? ?
Naruto: "The one who stopped the Kyubi for me before was the Fourth."
"dialah yang menghentikan kyuubi"
Yamato: "Wha... What are you saying? The Fourth is already..."
"apa yang kau katakan hokage ke 4 telah..."
"The Shiki Fuujin is still a sealing style with many mysteries. In the
technique's formula, the self's soul energy was locked up in it."
"shiki fuujin adalah segel rahasia. dengan formula teknik, energi diri sendiri akan terkurung didalamnya"
"...When that happened, the Fourth told me something - The Kyubi attack
of 16 years ago was by that "Akatsuki" guy with the mask. What more, he
was so strong that the even the Fourth couldn't best him!"
"ketika itu terjadi minato berkata sesuatu tentang serangan kyuubi 16 tahun lalu dilakukan oleh orang bertopeng dari akatsuki dia lebih kuat dari dari minato"
Tobi's face floats to the surface of Kakashi's mind.
wajah tobi teringat di pikiran kakashi
Naruto: "The Fourth said it was that guy pulling the strings!
Pain was being used by that guy.
"pain dimanfaatkan orang ini"
Sasuke entering "Akatsuki" - even Sasuke is only being used by that guy!"
sasuke masuk akatsuki dan sasuke pun dimanfaatkan orang ini
"It's as Jiraya feared - the incident of 16 years ago... So it was his
work. He had the Sharingan. He had bitterness for the village and fell
away from it. The Uchiha who could summon the Kyubi is someone like
kakashi:"ini yg ditakutkan jiraiya insiden 16 tauhun lalu jadi ini kerjaan orang itu. dia punya sharingan.dia diusir dr desa. uchiha yang bs mensummon kyuubi hanya madara"
Part 7
Yamato: "When I hear Madara... no matter what, because isn't it strange... that he's living..."
yamato:"ketika saya dengar madara... ini aneh dia masih hidup"
Naruto remembers what the Kyubi said.
Kyubi: "The power of those eyes - a Chakura even more sinister than mine... Just like the former Uchiha Madara's..."
kyuubi:"kekuatn mata itu a cakra lebih kuat dariku seperti madara uchiha"
Naruto: "Who's this Madara?"
naruto:"siapa madara?"
Kakashi: "He fought with the First Hokage.
kakashi:"dia bertarung dengan hokage pertama"
He died a noble death and was the original leader of Konoha's Uchiha clan.
dia meninggal dan dialah pemimpin sebenarnya klan uchiha konoha
A man.
This information needs to be told to the higher ups. Sai!"
info ini harus disampaikan ke ats sai
Sai: "Yes..."
Kakashi: "Contact the second in command of the Hokage."
kakashi "kontak wakil hokage"
Sai: "Ah... Yes."
Kakashi: "Naruto! What did the Fourth tell you?"
kakashi:"apalagi yang dikatakan minato?"
Naruto: "Huh?"
Kakashi remembers his own father: "A father would have a lot he would want to say to his son."
"ayah akan banyak yang dibicarakan dengan anaknya"
Naruto: !!
Naruto smiles.
Naruto grabs the covers in his hands [he's in bed, remember].
Laughing: "He believes in me--... He told me!!"
dia percaya padaku dia bilang
Kakashi, doing a GJ pose [? - "good job", i.e., thumbs up?]: "Alright!"
Kakashi: "You're to go to where the Raikage is! Well, Yamato and I will be Naruto's escort!"
"kau pergi ke tempat raikage, yamato dan aku akan jadi pengawal naruto"
Yamato: "Eh-----!!"
Turn changes
Shinobi from somewhere are following Danzo.
ninja dari suatu desa mengikuti danzo
Torune: "Danzo"
Danzo: "Umhm"
Danzo: "It's been a while since real combat... It's a perfect chance for me to move my dulled body..."
danzo:"sudah lama sejak pertempuran... ini waktu yg sempurna untuk menggerakkan badan tumpulku ini"
The unknown shinobi attack Danzo.
Danzo takes the bandage from his right eye: "(Torune, Huu), don't do anything - I'll do it."
danzo membuka perban mata kanannya dan memerintahkan kedua pengawal diam.
The right eye is Sharingan.
Is it possible Danzo has Sharingan...!!

5 komentar:

  1. Kalau begitu, Danzo dari klan Uchiha juga dong?

  2. @Andi J : belom tentu Danzou anggota klan Uchiha, karna dari dulu dy itu emang ga punya mata sharingan.. Kemungkinan hasil transplantasi (seperti mata sharingannya Kakashi), tapi kalau memang gitu belom tau jg dari syapa si bandot tua itu dpt.. hehehe.. Coba ja baca teliti, dia nyari Kabuto, brarti dia punya suatu rencana besar.. Yah, itulah misterinya sekarang..
    Btw, suka Naruto jg? Waah, baru ini nemu penggemar Naruto di internet.. Salam knl^_^

  3. bd sdkit aj boz..
    tp sm inti crtax..
    qm lgkp bgt critainx..

  4. @giantz uzumaki : yaps.. karna aku memang ga mau kelewatan sedikitpun cerita dari manga favorit aku ini :)

  5. madara21 : test test :))


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