Game yang satu ini bisa dibilang susah tamatnya. Kamulah tokoh utamanya di game ini. Kamu seorang anak yang diwarisi perkebunan yang luas dan potensial, tugas kamu adalah mengembangkan perkebunan potensial itu agar kamu banyak uang dan ga kelaparan.. Selain itu kamu juga bisa menikah dengan cewek-cewek yang ada di game ini, tinggal pilih.. Tapi kamu harus pdkt dulu ma dia.. Kalo aku sih lagi pdkt ama Popuri, hehehe...:) Cewe yang susah dideketin adalah Karen, soalnya permintaan dia itu mahal-mahal semua.. Kalo kamu mau pdkt sering-sering aja negur dia dan ngasih hadiah ke dia setiap hari, bisa buah, bunga, atau apa aja.. (tapi yang aku rekomendasikan itu aja, soalnya murah). Untuk buah, setiap spring season (musim semi) ada apel yang jatuh di pohon apel di kebun kamu, ambil aja itu satu dan berikan ke cewek pujaan kamu, sisanya simpan di kotak penyimpanan di depan rumah kamu. Kalau mau nikah banyak syaratnya, kamu mesti upgrade rumah kamu dua kali, lalu isi dengan perabotan, minimal punya kasur 2, baru deh lamar cewek itu pakai bluefather di supermarket (jangan beli dari won , MAHAL!)
Nah ini dia tanggal lahir semua orang di game ini (Kasih mereka hadiah, kelak mereka bisa membantu kamu) :
04 Bold:
08 Goddess (Alternate date; 9th)
11 Saibara
15 Staid
16 Elli (Alternate date; 20th)
17 Barley
26 Aqua
30 Sasha
03 Popuri (Alternate date; 10th)
04 Harris
06 Cliff
11 Basil
16 Timid
17 Ann (Alternate date; 22nd)
22 Kai
25 Mayor Thomas
29 Zack
02 Gotz
05 Stu
10 Hoggy
11 Manna
14 Chef
15 Karen (Alternate date; 23rd)
19 Doctor
20 Pastor Carter
23 Anna
27 Rick
06 Gray
11 Doug
13 Ellen
15 Duke
19 Won
20 Mary (Alternate date; 25th)
22 Nappy
26 May
29 Jeff.
Yg ini adalah tempat-tempat barang tambang(perhiasan di winter mine) dan harganya
Moonstone: Sells for 55G: Any level ending in "8"
Sand Rose: Sells for 60G: Any level ending in "9"
Agate: Sells for 62G: All levels except; 50, 100, 150, 200
Amethyst: Sells for 62G: All levels except; 50, 100, 150, 200
Flourite: Sells for 65G: All levels except; 50, 100, 150, 200
Peridot: Sells for 68G: All levels except; 50, 100, 150, 200
Topaz: Sells for 75G: All levels except; 50, 100,150 , 200
Ruby: Sells for 78G: All levels except: 50, 100, 150, 200
Emerald: Sells for 80G: Any level ending in "5", or below level 200
Diamond: Sells for 100G: Any level ending in "0", or below level 200
Alexandrite: Sells for 10,000G: Levels 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and below
Pink Diamond: Sells for 10,000G: Levels 30, 60, 90, 110, 130, 170, 190, and 255
Dan ini adalah semua resep yang ada..
Page 1:
Mayonnasie (s) = Reglar Egg + Oil + Vinegar + Whisk
Mayonnasie (m) = Good Egg + Oil + Vinergar + Whisk
Mayonnasie (l) = High Quality Egg + Oil + Vinegar + Whisk
Mayonnasie (g) = Gold Egg + Oil + Vinegar + Whisk
Mayonnasie (p) = P Egg + Oil + Vinegar + Whisk
Mayonnasie (x) = X Egg + Oil + Vinegar + Whisk ///// Mayonnaise (s) +
Mayonnaise (m) + Mayonnaise (l) + Mayonnaise (g) + Mayonnaise (p)
X Egg = Regular Egg + Good Egg + High Quality Egg + Gold Egg + P Egg
Milk (x) = Milk (s) + Milk (m) + Milk (l) + Milk (g) + Milk (p)
Page 2:
Cheese (x) = Cheese (s) + Cheese (m) + Cheese (l) + Cheese (g) + Cheese (p)
Wild Grape Juice = Wild Grape + Wine + Purple Grass + Pot
Pickles = Cucumber + Salt
Salad = Cucumber + Knife ///// Tomato + Knife ///// Carrot + Knife /////
Cabbage + Knife
Curry Rice = Curry Powder + Rice Balls + Pot
Stew = Flour + Milk (s) + Salt + Pot
Miso Soup = Miso + Salt + (ANY VEGATABLE) + Pot
Stir Fry = Cabbage + Oil + Soy Sauce + Knife + Frying Pan
Page 3:
Fried Rice = Rice Balls + Oil + Egg (s) + Frying Pan
Savory Pancake = Cabbage + Oil + Flour + Egg (s) + Frying Pan + Knife
Sandwitch = Tomato + Bread + Knife ///// Cucumber + Bread + Knife ///// Cooked
Egg + Bread + Knife
Fruit Juice = Apple + Mixer ///// Apple + Grape Juice + Honey + Pinapple + Milk
(l) + Sugar + Mixer ///// Strawberry + Mixer
Fruit Latte = Fruit Juice + Milk (s) + Mixer
Veggie Juice = Cucumber + Mixer ///// Cabbage + Mixer
Mixed Juice = (ANY FRUIT) + (ANY VEGATABLE) + Mixer ///// Fruit Juice + Veggie
Juice + Mixer
Veggie Latte = Veggie Jiuce + Milk (s)
Page 4:
Mixed Latte = Milk (s) + (ANY FRUIT) + (ANY VEGATABLE) + Mixer ///// Milk (s) +
Mixed Juice + Mixer ///// Milk (s) + Fruit Juice + Veggie Juice + Mixer
Pickled Turnips = Turnip + Vinegar + Knife
French Fries = Potato + Oil + Frying Pan + Knife
Strawberry Jam = Strawberry + Sugar + Pot
Strawberry Milk = Strawberry + Milk (s) + Mixer
Tomato Juice = Tomato + Salt + Mixer
Ketchup = Tomato + Onion + Sugar + Salt + Vinegar + Mixer
Popcorn = Corn + Frying Pan
Page 5:
Corn Flakes = Corn + Rolling Pin + Oven ///// Corn + Rolling Pin + Frying Pan
Baked Corn = Corn + Oven
Pineapple Juice = Pineapple + Mixer
Pumpkin Pudding = Egg (s) + Milk (s) + Pumpkin + Sugar + Pot + Oven
Pumpkin Stew = Pumpkin + Sugar + Soy Sauce + Pot
Happy Eggplant = Eggplant + Sugar + Soy Sauce + Miso + Frying Pan
Sweet Potatoes = Butter + Egg (s) + Sweet Potato + Sugar + Pot + Oven
Baked Sweet Potatoes = Sweet Potato + Oven ///// Sweet Potato + Butter + Stone
+ Sugar + Salt + Oven
Page 6:
Greens = Spinich + Soy Sauce + Pot
Scrambled Eggs = Egg (s) + Oil + Frying Pan
Omelet = Egg (s) + Oil + Milk (s) + Frying Pan
Omelet Rice = Egg (s) + Oil + Milk (s) + Rice Balls + Frying Pan
Boiled Egg = Egg (s) + Pot
Pudding = Egg (s) + Milk (s) + Sugar + Pot + Oven
Hot Milk = Milk (s) + Sugar + Pot
Butter = Milk (s) + Mixer
Page 7:
Cheese Cake = Cheese (s) + Egg (s) + Milk (s) + Sugar + Whisk + Pot + Oven
Cheese Fondue = Cheese (s) + Bread + Pot
Apple Pie = Apple + Egg (s) + Butter + Flour + Sugar + Knife + Pot + Rolling
Pin + Oven
Apple Jam = Apple + Sugar + Pot
Apple Souffle = Apple + Frying Pan ///// SUGDW Apple + Frying Pan ///// HMSGB
Apple + Frying Pan ///// AEPFE Apple + Frying Pan
Bamboo Rice = Bamboo Shoot + Rice Balls
Grape Jam = Wild Grape + Sugar + Pot
Grape Juice = Wild Grapes + Honey + Salt + Mixer ///// Wild Grapes + Salt +
Mixer ///// Wild Grapes + Honey + Sugar + Mixer ///// Wild Grapes + Sugar +
Page 8:
Mushroom Rice = Mushroom + Rice Balls
Truffle Rice = Truffle + Rice Balls
Sushi = Sashimi + Vinegar + Rice Balls
Jam Bun = Apple Jam + Bread ///// Strawberry Jam + Bread
Dinner Roll = Bread + Butter
Raisin Bread = Bread + Wild Grapes
Curry Bread = Bread + Curry Powder + Oil + Frying Pan
Toast = Bread + Oven
Page 9:
French Toast = Bread + Egg (s) + Sugar + Oil + Frying Pan
Sashimi = Fish (m) + Knife ///// Fish (l) + Knife
Grilled Fish = Fish (m) + Oil + Salt + Soy Sauce + Frying Pan
Chirashi Sushi = Scrambled Eggs + Sashimi + Vinegar + Rice Balls + Knife
Pizza = Cheese (s) + Flour + Ketchup + Rolling Pin + Oven
Noodles = Flour + Pot + Knife + Rolling Pin
Curry Noodles = Noodles + Curry Powder + Pot
Tempura Noodles = Tempura + Noodles + Pot ///// Flour + Tempura + Pot + Rolling
Pin + Knife
Page 10:
Fried Noodles = Noodles + Oil + Egg (s) + Frying Pan
Buckwheat Noodles = Buckwheat Flour + Egg (s) + Knife + Rolling Pin + Pot
Noodles w/Tempura = Tempura + Buckwheat Noodles + Pot ///// Buckwheat Flour +
Tempura + Pot + Knife + Rolling Pin
Fried Noodles = Buckwheat Noodles + Egg (s) + Oil + Salt + Vinegar + Soy Sauce
+ Frying Pan
Buckwheat Ships = Buckwheat Noodles + Pot + Rolling Pin
Tempura = Flour + Egg (s) + Oil + (ANY VEGATABLE) + Frying Pan
Mountain Stew = Carrot + Mushroom + Bamboo Shoots + Sugar + Soy Sauce + Knife +
Moon Dumpling = Dumpling Powder + Sugar
Page 11:
Roasted Rice Cake = Rice Cake + Soy Sauce + Oven
Toasted Rice Balls = Rice Balls + Soy Sauce + Oven
Rice Gruel = Rice Balls + Salt + Pot
Tempura Rice = Rice Balls + Salt + Tempura
Egg Over Rice = Egg (s) + Rice Balls + Salt + Soy Sauce + Pot
Candied Potato = Sweet Potato + Honey + Sugar + Pot
Potato Pancakes = Potato + Onion + Egg (s) + Oil + Flour + Salt + Knife +
Frying Pan
Fish Sticks = Fish (m) + Salt + Mixer
Page 12:
Cookies = Flour + Egg (s) + Butter + Oven + Sugar + Rolling Pin
Chocolate Cookies = Flour + Egg (s) + Chocolates + Butter + Sugar + Oven +
Rolling Pin
Ice Cream = Milk (s) + Egg (s) + Sugar + Whisk + Pot
Cake = Butter + Flour + Egg (s) + Sugar + Whisk + Oven
Chocolate Cake = Choclates + Butter + Flour + Egg (s) + Sugar + Whisk + Oven
Pancakes = Flour + Oil + Butter + Egg (s) + Milk (s) + Honey + Sugar + Whisk +
Frying Pan
Relaxation Tea = Relax Tea Leaves + Pot
SUGDW Apple = Apple + HMSGB Apple + AEPFE Apple
HMSGB Apple = Apple + SUGDW Apple + AEPFE Apple
AEPFE Apple = Apple + HMSGB Apple + SUGDW Apple
Bodigizer = Honey + Orange Grass + Black Grass + Red Magic Grass + Pot
Bodigizer XL = Bidigizer + Blue Grass + Mixer
Turbojolt = Honey + Orange Grass + White Grass + Red Magic Flower + Pot
Turbojolt XL = Turbojolt + Green Grass + Mixer
Relax Tea Leaves = Red Grass + Orange Grass + Yellow Grass + Green Grass +
Purple Grass + Blue Grass + Indigo Grass + Weed + Frying Pan + Knife
Elli Leaves = 6 Different Types Of Burnt Food + Bodigizer XL + Turbojolt XL +
Knife + Frying Pan + Oven + Sugar + Pot + Salt + Vinegar + Miso + Soy Sauce
Page 14:
Spring Sun = Blue Magic Grass + Red Magic Gass + Moondrop Flower + Pinkcat
Flower + Toy Flower
Summer Sun = Fish (s) + Fish (m) + Fish (l) + Fossil Of Ancient Fish + Pirate
Autumn Sun = Cheese (x) + Mayonaise (x) + Egg (x) + Milk (x) + Wool (x) + Yarn
Winter Sun = Alexandrite + Diamond + Emerald + Moonstone + Pink Diamond +
Mythic Stone + Sand Rose
Cara mendapatkan peralatan level 6^^:
Cursed Fishing Rod menggali on floor 29.
Cursed Hoe menggali on floor 39.
Cursed Hammer menggali on floor 59.
Cursed Watering Can menggali on floor 69.
Cursed Sickle menggali on floor 79.
Cursed Axe menggali on floor 49.
Cara mengembalikan peralatan level 6^^
Cursed Fishing Rod
Menggunakannya 255 kali
Cursed Hoe
Carter memberkati itu ada 10 kali
Cursed Axe
Menggunakannya 255 kali
Cursed Hammer
Have it equipped for 10 days straight
Cursed Watering Can Cursed penyiram
Carter memberkati itu ada 10 kali
Cursed Sickle
cuma 10 hari berlangsung
Peralatan di HM (Sory, i used english^^)
Copper: 1,000G + 1 Copper Ore:
Hoe: Til a 2x1 section of land.
Sickle: Cut a 1x3 section of grass, weeds, crops.
Axe: Chop a treestump. Takes 6 hits to do so.
Hammer: Smash a large stone with 3 hits, but can't smash boulders
Watering Can: Water a 1x3 section of land.
Fishing Pole: Catch small or medium fish
Silver: 2,000G + 1 Silver Ore:
Hoe: Til a 1x3 section of land
Sickle: Cut a 2x3 section of grass, weeds, or crops.
Axe: Chop a tree stump with 3 hits.
Hammer: Break a large stone in 2 hits, break a boulder with 6 hits.
Watering Can: Water a 2x3 section of land.
Fishing pole: Catch small and medium fish.
Gold: 3,000G + 1 Gold Ore:
Hoe: Til a 1x4 strip of land.
Sickle: Cut a 3x3 section of grass, weeds, or crops.
Axe: Chop a tree stump with 2 hits.
Hammer: Break a large stone with 1 hit, a boulder with 3 hits, but can't break up a Huge Boulder.
Watering Can: Water a 3x3 section of land.
Fishing Pole: Catch medium and large fish.
Mystrile: 5,000G + 1 Mystrile Ore:
Hoe: Til a 1x6 strip of land.
Sickle: Cut a 5x5 section of grass, weeds, or crops.
Axe: Chop a tree stump with 1 hit
Hammer: Break a boulder with 2 hits, but can't break the huge boulder.
Watering Can: Water a 3x5 section of land
Fishing Pole: Catch large fish, can catch the Powerberry in Winter, and the Recipe Bottle in the Spring.
Cursed and Blessed tools are a little different. They are a seprate set of tools. You need to dig to find the Cursed tools in the Winter/ Lake Mine. Once you locate the Cursed tool you have to follow a certain method to change them into Blessed Tools. Cursed tools are a huge drain on your characters fatigue to use. Blessed tools can do as much as a Cursed Tool, but don't require as much stamina to do so.
Hoe: Til a 12x3 section of land (Lev. 39)
Sickle: Cut a 9x9 section of grass, weeds, or crops. (Lev. 79)
Axe: Chop all tree stumps on current screen with 1 hit. (Lev. 49)
Hammer: Break boulder/ huge boulder with 1 hit. (Lev. 59)
Watering Can: Water a 6x13 square of land. (Lev. 69)
Fishing Pole: Catch large fish, Kingfish, Pirate Treasure, and Ancient Fossils. (Lev. 29)
Hoe: Have Carter Bless it 10 times. Will cost 10,000G total to do so.
Sickle: Keep it equiped for 10 days straight
Axe: Use tool 255 times
Hammer: Keep it equiped for 10 days straight
Watering Can: Have Carter Bless it 10 times. Will cost 10,000G total to do so.
Fishing Pole: Use tool 255 times.
Once you've been able to change all your Cursed Tools into Blessed ones, a new ore will appear in the Spring Mine. The Mythic Ore can be found on the 60th level or below. You can use that ore to convert your Blessed Tools into their final form.
Mythic: 50,000G + 1 Mythic Ore + Blessed Tool:
Hoe: Til a 18x5 section of land.
Sickle: Cut a 15x15 square of grass, weeds, or crops.
Axe: Chop all tree stumps on current screen, using only 50% energy to do so.
Hammer: Break all rocks/ boulders/ huge boulders on screen.
Watering Can: Water a 12x21 section of land.
Fishing Pole: Catch all sizes of fish, kingfish, and increases odds for catching pirate Treasure and Ancient Fossils.
Ukuran hasil PETERNAKAN (Sory, i used english^^)
The price of Milk:
100G Milk: Small
150G Milk: Medium
200G Milk: Large
300G Milk: Gold
500G Milk: P
800G Milk: X
Small Milk: The milk your cow produces when it has 0-3 Hearts.
Medium Milk: The milk your cow produces when it has 4-7 Hearts.
Large Milk: The milk your cow produces when it has 8-10 Hearts.
Gold Milk: The milk your cow produces when it has 8-10 Hearts and it has won the Cow Festival.
P Milk: The milk your cow produces when it has 8-10 Hearts and it has won the Cow Festival, and it has spent 600+ game hours outdoors.
X Milk: There is a 1 in 255 chance of getting this from a P Milk producing cow.
the price of cheese:
300G Cheese (S): Gained from Small Milk
400G Cheese (M): Gained from Medium Milk
500G Cheese (L): Gained from Large Milk
600G Cheese (G): Gained from Golden Milk
750G Cheese (P): Gained from P Milk
1500G Cheese (X): Gained from X Milk
The price of Wool:
100G Wool: Small
400G Wool: Medium
500G Wool: Large
600G Wool: Gold
1000G Wool: P
2000G Wool: X
Small Wool: The wool your sheep produces when it has 0-3 Hearts.
Medium Wool: The Wool your sheep produces when it has 4-7 Hearts.
Large Wool: The wool your Sheep produces when it has 8-10 Hearts.
Gold Wool: The wool your sheep produces when it has 8-10 Hearts, and it has won the Sheep Festival.
P Wool: The wool your sheep produces when it has 8-10 Hearts, and it has won the Sheep Festival, and it has spent 600+ game hours outdoors.
X Wool: There is a 1 in 255 chance of getting this from a P Wool producing sheep.
The price of yarn:
300G Yarn (S): Gained from Small Wool
700G Yarn (M): Gained from Medium Wool
800G Yarn (L): Gained from Large Wool
1000G Yarn (G): Gained from Golden Wool
1500G Yarn (P): Gained from P Wool
4000G Yarn (X): Gained from X Wool
The price of eggs..
050G Egg: Regular
060G Egg: Good
080G Egg: High
080G Spa-Boiled Egg
150G Egg: Gold
180G Egg: P
350G Egg: X
Regular Egg: The egg your chicken produces when it has 0-3 Hearts.
Good Egg: The egg your chicken produces when it has 4-7 Hearts.
High Egg: The egg your chicken produces when it has 8-10 Hearts.
Gold Egg: The egg your chicken produces when it has 8-10 Hearts and it has won the Chicken Festival.
P Egg: The egg your chicken produces when it has 8-10 Hearts, has won the Chicken Festival, and it has spent 600+ game hours outdoors.
X Egg: There is a 1 in 255 chance of getting this from a P egg producing chicken.
The price of mayonnaise
100G Mayonnaise (S): Gained from a Regular Quality Egg
150G Mayonnaise (M): Gained from a Good Quality Egg
200G Mayonnaise (L): Gained from a High Quality Egg
300G Mayonnaise (G): Gained from a Golden Egg
450G Mayonnaise (P): Gained from a P Egg
800G Mayonnasie (X): Gained from an X Egg
Nah ini dia tanggal lahir semua orang di game ini (Kasih mereka hadiah, kelak mereka bisa membantu kamu) :
04 Bold:
08 Goddess (Alternate date; 9th)
11 Saibara
15 Staid
16 Elli (Alternate date; 20th)
17 Barley
26 Aqua
30 Sasha
03 Popuri (Alternate date; 10th)
04 Harris
06 Cliff
11 Basil
16 Timid
17 Ann (Alternate date; 22nd)
22 Kai
25 Mayor Thomas
29 Zack
02 Gotz
05 Stu
10 Hoggy
11 Manna
14 Chef
15 Karen (Alternate date; 23rd)
19 Doctor
20 Pastor Carter
23 Anna
27 Rick
06 Gray
11 Doug
13 Ellen
15 Duke
19 Won
20 Mary (Alternate date; 25th)
22 Nappy
26 May
29 Jeff.
Yg ini adalah tempat-tempat barang tambang(perhiasan di winter mine) dan harganya
Moonstone: Sells for 55G: Any level ending in "8"
Sand Rose: Sells for 60G: Any level ending in "9"
Agate: Sells for 62G: All levels except; 50, 100, 150, 200
Amethyst: Sells for 62G: All levels except; 50, 100, 150, 200
Flourite: Sells for 65G: All levels except; 50, 100, 150, 200
Peridot: Sells for 68G: All levels except; 50, 100, 150, 200
Topaz: Sells for 75G: All levels except; 50, 100,150 , 200
Ruby: Sells for 78G: All levels except: 50, 100, 150, 200
Emerald: Sells for 80G: Any level ending in "5", or below level 200
Diamond: Sells for 100G: Any level ending in "0", or below level 200
Alexandrite: Sells for 10,000G: Levels 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and below
Pink Diamond: Sells for 10,000G: Levels 30, 60, 90, 110, 130, 170, 190, and 255
Dan ini adalah semua resep yang ada..
Page 1:
Mayonnasie (s) = Reglar Egg + Oil + Vinegar + Whisk
Mayonnasie (m) = Good Egg + Oil + Vinergar + Whisk
Mayonnasie (l) = High Quality Egg + Oil + Vinegar + Whisk
Mayonnasie (g) = Gold Egg + Oil + Vinegar + Whisk
Mayonnasie (p) = P Egg + Oil + Vinegar + Whisk
Mayonnasie (x) = X Egg + Oil + Vinegar + Whisk ///// Mayonnaise (s) +
Mayonnaise (m) + Mayonnaise (l) + Mayonnaise (g) + Mayonnaise (p)
X Egg = Regular Egg + Good Egg + High Quality Egg + Gold Egg + P Egg
Milk (x) = Milk (s) + Milk (m) + Milk (l) + Milk (g) + Milk (p)
Page 2:
Cheese (x) = Cheese (s) + Cheese (m) + Cheese (l) + Cheese (g) + Cheese (p)
Wild Grape Juice = Wild Grape + Wine + Purple Grass + Pot
Pickles = Cucumber + Salt
Salad = Cucumber + Knife ///// Tomato + Knife ///// Carrot + Knife /////
Cabbage + Knife
Curry Rice = Curry Powder + Rice Balls + Pot
Stew = Flour + Milk (s) + Salt + Pot
Miso Soup = Miso + Salt + (ANY VEGATABLE) + Pot
Stir Fry = Cabbage + Oil + Soy Sauce + Knife + Frying Pan
Page 3:
Fried Rice = Rice Balls + Oil + Egg (s) + Frying Pan
Savory Pancake = Cabbage + Oil + Flour + Egg (s) + Frying Pan + Knife
Sandwitch = Tomato + Bread + Knife ///// Cucumber + Bread + Knife ///// Cooked
Egg + Bread + Knife
Fruit Juice = Apple + Mixer ///// Apple + Grape Juice + Honey + Pinapple + Milk
(l) + Sugar + Mixer ///// Strawberry + Mixer
Fruit Latte = Fruit Juice + Milk (s) + Mixer
Veggie Juice = Cucumber + Mixer ///// Cabbage + Mixer
Mixed Juice = (ANY FRUIT) + (ANY VEGATABLE) + Mixer ///// Fruit Juice + Veggie
Juice + Mixer
Veggie Latte = Veggie Jiuce + Milk (s)
Page 4:
Mixed Latte = Milk (s) + (ANY FRUIT) + (ANY VEGATABLE) + Mixer ///// Milk (s) +
Mixed Juice + Mixer ///// Milk (s) + Fruit Juice + Veggie Juice + Mixer
Pickled Turnips = Turnip + Vinegar + Knife
French Fries = Potato + Oil + Frying Pan + Knife
Strawberry Jam = Strawberry + Sugar + Pot
Strawberry Milk = Strawberry + Milk (s) + Mixer
Tomato Juice = Tomato + Salt + Mixer
Ketchup = Tomato + Onion + Sugar + Salt + Vinegar + Mixer
Popcorn = Corn + Frying Pan
Page 5:
Corn Flakes = Corn + Rolling Pin + Oven ///// Corn + Rolling Pin + Frying Pan
Baked Corn = Corn + Oven
Pineapple Juice = Pineapple + Mixer
Pumpkin Pudding = Egg (s) + Milk (s) + Pumpkin + Sugar + Pot + Oven
Pumpkin Stew = Pumpkin + Sugar + Soy Sauce + Pot
Happy Eggplant = Eggplant + Sugar + Soy Sauce + Miso + Frying Pan
Sweet Potatoes = Butter + Egg (s) + Sweet Potato + Sugar + Pot + Oven
Baked Sweet Potatoes = Sweet Potato + Oven ///// Sweet Potato + Butter + Stone
+ Sugar + Salt + Oven
Page 6:
Greens = Spinich + Soy Sauce + Pot
Scrambled Eggs = Egg (s) + Oil + Frying Pan
Omelet = Egg (s) + Oil + Milk (s) + Frying Pan
Omelet Rice = Egg (s) + Oil + Milk (s) + Rice Balls + Frying Pan
Boiled Egg = Egg (s) + Pot
Pudding = Egg (s) + Milk (s) + Sugar + Pot + Oven
Hot Milk = Milk (s) + Sugar + Pot
Butter = Milk (s) + Mixer
Page 7:
Cheese Cake = Cheese (s) + Egg (s) + Milk (s) + Sugar + Whisk + Pot + Oven
Cheese Fondue = Cheese (s) + Bread + Pot
Apple Pie = Apple + Egg (s) + Butter + Flour + Sugar + Knife + Pot + Rolling
Pin + Oven
Apple Jam = Apple + Sugar + Pot
Apple Souffle = Apple + Frying Pan ///// SUGDW Apple + Frying Pan ///// HMSGB
Apple + Frying Pan ///// AEPFE Apple + Frying Pan
Bamboo Rice = Bamboo Shoot + Rice Balls
Grape Jam = Wild Grape + Sugar + Pot
Grape Juice = Wild Grapes + Honey + Salt + Mixer ///// Wild Grapes + Salt +
Mixer ///// Wild Grapes + Honey + Sugar + Mixer ///// Wild Grapes + Sugar +
Page 8:
Mushroom Rice = Mushroom + Rice Balls
Truffle Rice = Truffle + Rice Balls
Sushi = Sashimi + Vinegar + Rice Balls
Jam Bun = Apple Jam + Bread ///// Strawberry Jam + Bread
Dinner Roll = Bread + Butter
Raisin Bread = Bread + Wild Grapes
Curry Bread = Bread + Curry Powder + Oil + Frying Pan
Toast = Bread + Oven
Page 9:
French Toast = Bread + Egg (s) + Sugar + Oil + Frying Pan
Sashimi = Fish (m) + Knife ///// Fish (l) + Knife
Grilled Fish = Fish (m) + Oil + Salt + Soy Sauce + Frying Pan
Chirashi Sushi = Scrambled Eggs + Sashimi + Vinegar + Rice Balls + Knife
Pizza = Cheese (s) + Flour + Ketchup + Rolling Pin + Oven
Noodles = Flour + Pot + Knife + Rolling Pin
Curry Noodles = Noodles + Curry Powder + Pot
Tempura Noodles = Tempura + Noodles + Pot ///// Flour + Tempura + Pot + Rolling
Pin + Knife
Page 10:
Fried Noodles = Noodles + Oil + Egg (s) + Frying Pan
Buckwheat Noodles = Buckwheat Flour + Egg (s) + Knife + Rolling Pin + Pot
Noodles w/Tempura = Tempura + Buckwheat Noodles + Pot ///// Buckwheat Flour +
Tempura + Pot + Knife + Rolling Pin
Fried Noodles = Buckwheat Noodles + Egg (s) + Oil + Salt + Vinegar + Soy Sauce
+ Frying Pan
Buckwheat Ships = Buckwheat Noodles + Pot + Rolling Pin
Tempura = Flour + Egg (s) + Oil + (ANY VEGATABLE) + Frying Pan
Mountain Stew = Carrot + Mushroom + Bamboo Shoots + Sugar + Soy Sauce + Knife +
Moon Dumpling = Dumpling Powder + Sugar
Page 11:
Roasted Rice Cake = Rice Cake + Soy Sauce + Oven
Toasted Rice Balls = Rice Balls + Soy Sauce + Oven
Rice Gruel = Rice Balls + Salt + Pot
Tempura Rice = Rice Balls + Salt + Tempura
Egg Over Rice = Egg (s) + Rice Balls + Salt + Soy Sauce + Pot
Candied Potato = Sweet Potato + Honey + Sugar + Pot
Potato Pancakes = Potato + Onion + Egg (s) + Oil + Flour + Salt + Knife +
Frying Pan
Fish Sticks = Fish (m) + Salt + Mixer
Page 12:
Cookies = Flour + Egg (s) + Butter + Oven + Sugar + Rolling Pin
Chocolate Cookies = Flour + Egg (s) + Chocolates + Butter + Sugar + Oven +
Rolling Pin
Ice Cream = Milk (s) + Egg (s) + Sugar + Whisk + Pot
Cake = Butter + Flour + Egg (s) + Sugar + Whisk + Oven
Chocolate Cake = Choclates + Butter + Flour + Egg (s) + Sugar + Whisk + Oven
Pancakes = Flour + Oil + Butter + Egg (s) + Milk (s) + Honey + Sugar + Whisk +
Frying Pan
Relaxation Tea = Relax Tea Leaves + Pot
SUGDW Apple = Apple + HMSGB Apple + AEPFE Apple
HMSGB Apple = Apple + SUGDW Apple + AEPFE Apple
AEPFE Apple = Apple + HMSGB Apple + SUGDW Apple
Bodigizer = Honey + Orange Grass + Black Grass + Red Magic Grass + Pot
Bodigizer XL = Bidigizer + Blue Grass + Mixer
Turbojolt = Honey + Orange Grass + White Grass + Red Magic Flower + Pot
Turbojolt XL = Turbojolt + Green Grass + Mixer
Relax Tea Leaves = Red Grass + Orange Grass + Yellow Grass + Green Grass +
Purple Grass + Blue Grass + Indigo Grass + Weed + Frying Pan + Knife
Elli Leaves = 6 Different Types Of Burnt Food + Bodigizer XL + Turbojolt XL +
Knife + Frying Pan + Oven + Sugar + Pot + Salt + Vinegar + Miso + Soy Sauce
Page 14:
Spring Sun = Blue Magic Grass + Red Magic Gass + Moondrop Flower + Pinkcat
Flower + Toy Flower
Summer Sun = Fish (s) + Fish (m) + Fish (l) + Fossil Of Ancient Fish + Pirate
Autumn Sun = Cheese (x) + Mayonaise (x) + Egg (x) + Milk (x) + Wool (x) + Yarn
Winter Sun = Alexandrite + Diamond + Emerald + Moonstone + Pink Diamond +
Mythic Stone + Sand Rose
Cara mendapatkan peralatan level 6^^:
Cursed Fishing Rod menggali on floor 29.
Cursed Hoe menggali on floor 39.
Cursed Hammer menggali on floor 59.
Cursed Watering Can menggali on floor 69.
Cursed Sickle menggali on floor 79.
Cursed Axe menggali on floor 49.
Cara mengembalikan peralatan level 6^^
Cursed Fishing Rod
Menggunakannya 255 kali
Cursed Hoe
Carter memberkati itu ada 10 kali
Cursed Axe
Menggunakannya 255 kali
Cursed Hammer
Have it equipped for 10 days straight
Cursed Watering Can Cursed penyiram
Carter memberkati itu ada 10 kali
Cursed Sickle
cuma 10 hari berlangsung
Peralatan di HM (Sory, i used english^^)
Copper: 1,000G + 1 Copper Ore:
Hoe: Til a 2x1 section of land.
Sickle: Cut a 1x3 section of grass, weeds, crops.
Axe: Chop a treestump. Takes 6 hits to do so.
Hammer: Smash a large stone with 3 hits, but can't smash boulders
Watering Can: Water a 1x3 section of land.
Fishing Pole: Catch small or medium fish
Silver: 2,000G + 1 Silver Ore:
Hoe: Til a 1x3 section of land
Sickle: Cut a 2x3 section of grass, weeds, or crops.
Axe: Chop a tree stump with 3 hits.
Hammer: Break a large stone in 2 hits, break a boulder with 6 hits.
Watering Can: Water a 2x3 section of land.
Fishing pole: Catch small and medium fish.
Gold: 3,000G + 1 Gold Ore:
Hoe: Til a 1x4 strip of land.
Sickle: Cut a 3x3 section of grass, weeds, or crops.
Axe: Chop a tree stump with 2 hits.
Hammer: Break a large stone with 1 hit, a boulder with 3 hits, but can't break up a Huge Boulder.
Watering Can: Water a 3x3 section of land.
Fishing Pole: Catch medium and large fish.
Mystrile: 5,000G + 1 Mystrile Ore:
Hoe: Til a 1x6 strip of land.
Sickle: Cut a 5x5 section of grass, weeds, or crops.
Axe: Chop a tree stump with 1 hit
Hammer: Break a boulder with 2 hits, but can't break the huge boulder.
Watering Can: Water a 3x5 section of land
Fishing Pole: Catch large fish, can catch the Powerberry in Winter, and the Recipe Bottle in the Spring.
Cursed and Blessed tools are a little different. They are a seprate set of tools. You need to dig to find the Cursed tools in the Winter/ Lake Mine. Once you locate the Cursed tool you have to follow a certain method to change them into Blessed Tools. Cursed tools are a huge drain on your characters fatigue to use. Blessed tools can do as much as a Cursed Tool, but don't require as much stamina to do so.
Hoe: Til a 12x3 section of land (Lev. 39)
Sickle: Cut a 9x9 section of grass, weeds, or crops. (Lev. 79)
Axe: Chop all tree stumps on current screen with 1 hit. (Lev. 49)
Hammer: Break boulder/ huge boulder with 1 hit. (Lev. 59)
Watering Can: Water a 6x13 square of land. (Lev. 69)
Fishing Pole: Catch large fish, Kingfish, Pirate Treasure, and Ancient Fossils. (Lev. 29)
Hoe: Have Carter Bless it 10 times. Will cost 10,000G total to do so.
Sickle: Keep it equiped for 10 days straight
Axe: Use tool 255 times
Hammer: Keep it equiped for 10 days straight
Watering Can: Have Carter Bless it 10 times. Will cost 10,000G total to do so.
Fishing Pole: Use tool 255 times.
Once you've been able to change all your Cursed Tools into Blessed ones, a new ore will appear in the Spring Mine. The Mythic Ore can be found on the 60th level or below. You can use that ore to convert your Blessed Tools into their final form.
Mythic: 50,000G + 1 Mythic Ore + Blessed Tool:
Hoe: Til a 18x5 section of land.
Sickle: Cut a 15x15 square of grass, weeds, or crops.
Axe: Chop all tree stumps on current screen, using only 50% energy to do so.
Hammer: Break all rocks/ boulders/ huge boulders on screen.
Watering Can: Water a 12x21 section of land.
Fishing Pole: Catch all sizes of fish, kingfish, and increases odds for catching pirate Treasure and Ancient Fossils.
Ukuran hasil PETERNAKAN (Sory, i used english^^)
The price of Milk:
100G Milk: Small
150G Milk: Medium
200G Milk: Large
300G Milk: Gold
500G Milk: P
800G Milk: X
Small Milk: The milk your cow produces when it has 0-3 Hearts.
Medium Milk: The milk your cow produces when it has 4-7 Hearts.
Large Milk: The milk your cow produces when it has 8-10 Hearts.
Gold Milk: The milk your cow produces when it has 8-10 Hearts and it has won the Cow Festival.
P Milk: The milk your cow produces when it has 8-10 Hearts and it has won the Cow Festival, and it has spent 600+ game hours outdoors.
X Milk: There is a 1 in 255 chance of getting this from a P Milk producing cow.
the price of cheese:
300G Cheese (S): Gained from Small Milk
400G Cheese (M): Gained from Medium Milk
500G Cheese (L): Gained from Large Milk
600G Cheese (G): Gained from Golden Milk
750G Cheese (P): Gained from P Milk
1500G Cheese (X): Gained from X Milk
The price of Wool:
100G Wool: Small
400G Wool: Medium
500G Wool: Large
600G Wool: Gold
1000G Wool: P
2000G Wool: X
Small Wool: The wool your sheep produces when it has 0-3 Hearts.
Medium Wool: The Wool your sheep produces when it has 4-7 Hearts.
Large Wool: The wool your Sheep produces when it has 8-10 Hearts.
Gold Wool: The wool your sheep produces when it has 8-10 Hearts, and it has won the Sheep Festival.
P Wool: The wool your sheep produces when it has 8-10 Hearts, and it has won the Sheep Festival, and it has spent 600+ game hours outdoors.
X Wool: There is a 1 in 255 chance of getting this from a P Wool producing sheep.
The price of yarn:
300G Yarn (S): Gained from Small Wool
700G Yarn (M): Gained from Medium Wool
800G Yarn (L): Gained from Large Wool
1000G Yarn (G): Gained from Golden Wool
1500G Yarn (P): Gained from P Wool
4000G Yarn (X): Gained from X Wool
The price of eggs..
050G Egg: Regular
060G Egg: Good
080G Egg: High
080G Spa-Boiled Egg
150G Egg: Gold
180G Egg: P
350G Egg: X
Regular Egg: The egg your chicken produces when it has 0-3 Hearts.
Good Egg: The egg your chicken produces when it has 4-7 Hearts.
High Egg: The egg your chicken produces when it has 8-10 Hearts.
Gold Egg: The egg your chicken produces when it has 8-10 Hearts and it has won the Chicken Festival.
P Egg: The egg your chicken produces when it has 8-10 Hearts, has won the Chicken Festival, and it has spent 600+ game hours outdoors.
X Egg: There is a 1 in 255 chance of getting this from a P egg producing chicken.
The price of mayonnaise
100G Mayonnaise (S): Gained from a Regular Quality Egg
150G Mayonnaise (M): Gained from a Good Quality Egg
200G Mayonnaise (L): Gained from a High Quality Egg
300G Mayonnaise (G): Gained from a Golden Egg
450G Mayonnaise (P): Gained from a P Egg
800G Mayonnasie (X): Gained from an X Egg
129 Comment (s):
salam kenal
bro bedanya gme harvest moon friends of mineral town dgn yg more friends of mineral town tu apa? koq udh gue coba tp kyknya sma aj tuh kduanya !! thanks
oh ya boleh nanya g' ?
gmana cara cari cheat harvest moon, udah banyak cheat yg gw pake tpi g' bsa, tolong balas ke e-mail gw :
Balas disini aja ya..
Yang untuk PC kan? Cheat itu bisa dibilang relatif kalo menurut gw, sampe sekarang aja gw juga ga ngerti make cheat harvest moon untuk PC itu gimana. Satu2nya yang gw bisa cuma bikin uangnya jadi 50000G, itu doank.. Yang gw tau cheat buat naikin level, misalnya ningkatin hati binatang piaraan kita atau cewek yang kita taksir, pakai codebreaker aja.. Banyak situs yg nyediain codebreaker harvest moon friends of mineral town.. Tapi codebreakernya harus Must Be On dulu, nah ini yang gw kurang ngerti.. :)
KAlo Gold Lumber gunanya buat apaan?
Gw gak pernah dapat gold lumber, yg ada lumber doank.. Buat ekspansi rumah..
cheat pake MHS bisa cheat unlimited money, caranya maen d PC dl trus ganti duid jd 999999 ato berapalah suka² jidat loe bis tuh save, trus load d HP
kalo bs taro gmbar d sini aku kasi SSnya ne jg bs pake cheat game laen kek unlimited HP/MP/SP/ammo bwat game RPG jg bs bwat edit damage ama defend
ne bro gw kasi video cheat harvest moon unlimitee money d you tube alamatx klik aja namaku yg ini
gimana waktu q menggali di goa q bs sampai tangga terakhr dan dapat benda2 mahal biasanya q g sampe tangga ke 10 q dah pingsan dan masuk rmh sakit trs g bs lnjutin lg . gmn bro ?
Itu termasuk hoki dan kecerdikan kita... Usahakan sekali cangkul ketemu tangga, cari tangga dengan seminimal mungkin mencangkul.. Kalau kira2 sudah dalam, langsung pecahin aja batu2nya biar dapat mineral tambang.. Makin dalam makin mahal.. Selain itu, kalau kamu sudah punya vas bunga dari won (suatu saat kamu ditawari won vas bunga, terima saja) dan isi dengan bunga warna biru yang tumbuh disekitar rumah tukang kayu.. Stamina kamu akan bertahan lama.. Dan juga power berry.. Saat pesta kue, bawa power berry, supaya nanti disana kamu makan power berry
klo cara beli kitchen room atau tempat tidur dmn sih ?
Kitchen room ada kalau kamu sudah upgrade rumah kamu... Tempat tidur dibeli dari acara tv, tapi kalau sudah upgrade rumah dan ada cewek yang hatinya merah
cara gameshark game GBA di hp gmna....???!misal harvest moon
pesta kue itu adanya dimana....?????
Itu tiap tahun ada, lokasinya di lapangan yang dekat pantai itu... Di pesta/perayaan itu nanti ada semacam gentong raksasa.. Sering2 aja lihat kalendernya...
cara dapet benih stawbery, bayam dan labu dari won gimana???
Dibeli... Dia itu penjual, kalau minta gak dikasi ^_^
rumah aku khn dh di upgrade, tapi masih nggak bisa.
t'rus gimana yah cara nya biar hati ny keren warna merah ? hati nya keren baru sampe hijau nih.
Gak bisa kenapa?? Kalau mau menikah, hatinya harus merah dulu, upgrade rumah, punya 2 kasur
gmn cara nya nge kasur ?
maaf yah nny mulu, masih amatir.. hehe :D
eh ya boleh nnya ga?soal 6kingfish katana ada ya....cara dapatin nya gimna....tmpat na dimna aja tolong ksih tau donk
@opiepiepie: bli di tv shoping ntwork
@anonim:car dpt tin nya harus punya fishing pole Lvl 5/ blessed mancing aja di pantai, pobnd,.... dmn aja lah.. siapa tau hoki..// eh iya ak koq gk dpt2 mhytic sronn nya... kadang2 juga tangga bwd ke bawah nya gg ada........... tu knp sihh ?? ak juga gk terlalu ngerti ttg X,P milk/wool/egg... jlzn donkkkk plizzzzz pake b. indo b.ingg ku kurang hehehee tolong ya ^_^
teh,gimana cara upgrade rmh?Nggak bisa!
Kapakin kayu2 yang kamu temui di areal kebun, hutan, dan di belakang danau motherhill. Kayu yg dikapak jadi lumber. Kalau koleksi lumber kamu sudah cukup dan kamu punya cukup duit juga buat membayar tukang kayu, baru bisa upgrade.. Buat melihat jumlah lumber dan biaya yg diminta, temui si tukang kayu, rumahnya di hutan di belakang kebun kamu, tanya aja sama dia nanti ditawari dan diberitahu jumlahnya...
mas dimana aja nyari power bery?
n gmana cranya?
kluw seaside cottage gmn cara buat nya kk ???
terus klo mountain cottage ada nya pas kpn ??
klo transport stone dapet dri mana kk ???
bales ya ..
@mufti:Maaf kalo slh, menurut wa sih transport stone gak ada adanya sih teleport stone n cara dapatnya itu gali di tambang deket air terjun,kalo nggak salah harus tahun ke 4 dan lantai 255/yg paling bawah.tele stone itu tool juga sama kaya axe jadi entar kosongin slot 1 kalo mau masuk.
Kalo masalh cottage mah kayanya(kayanya loh!)kita tu harus punya hubungan baik ama si Harvest Godness[ di air terjun]
salam kenal
mau nanya cara dapetin power beri dimana ya,
soalnya power beri saya baru 2 thx
mas,cra dptin cursed tools gmn?udh tk gali smp lvel yg udh dtntukan dats, tp te2p g'bs..
mas,cra dptin cursed tool gmn?qudh gali smpe ke lvel yg dtntukn tu tp ttp g'ad,,,
Semuanya, maaf ya komentar2nya belum sempat saya balas.. Tentang harvest moon bisa kalian tanyakan di blog mobile saya. [Klik tulisan ini]
nih gw kasih tau kalo mau pake codebreaker
pertama tulis cheat must be on dulu
abis itu masukin kode yg lo pngn gunain
abis itu save game lo
abis itu cheatnya semuanya disable
lalu load lagi deh gamenya^^(dijamin bisa)
(kalo gak bisa emank kodenya)
nih websitenya lumayan banyak codebreakernya=
chaet ni gua kasih tpi lo harus bilang alif ganteng
Harvest Goddess juga bisa untuk di nikahkan dengan memenuhin syarat yang berlaku seperti pedometer harus langkah, menang sempurna dalam permainan kecil Harvest Goddess (Seperti Rock-Paper-Scissors game: Big, Low Number, dll), harus mendapatkan semua cottage, dan lain-lain.
maaf klo nikah sma Harvest Goddes itu sulit bgt..^^ klo mau pake cheat..
320044A6 FFFF: Langsung Menikah dengan Karen!
320044D2 FFFF: Langsung Menikah dengan Elle!
32004526 FFFF: Langsung Menikah dengan Ann!
32004416 FFFF: Langsung Menikah dengan Mary!
3200435A FFFF: Langsung Menikah dengan Popuri!
820045a6 FFFF: Langsung Menikah dengan The Harvest Goddess!
820045F0 FFFF: Max Affection utk The Red Harvest Sprite
82004614 FFFF: Max Affection utk The Orange Harvest Sprite
82004638 FFFF: Max Affection utk The Yellow Harvest Sprite
8200465C FFFF: Max Affection utk The Green Harvest Sprite
82004680 FFFF: Max Affection utk The Blue Harvest Sprite
820046A4 FFFF: Max Affection utk The Purple Harvest Sprite
820046C8 FFFF: Max Affection utk The Aquamarine Harvest Sprite
untuk harvest sprites itu tinggal kamu kasih 3 tepung (beli di supermarket) /hari nanti hatinya naik drastis...
untuk menikah dengan cwo" itu kmu harus punya hati merah mereka,blue feather, kasur besar, dan mendapatkan SMUA EVENT HEART mereka...nga boleh kelewatan 1 pun!
biar hatinya merah kmu kasih hadiah kesukaan mereka stiap hari..nih aku hs info kesukaan yg paling berpengaruh..
Rick => Telur/Telur Rebus
Doctor => Susu/Rumput
Gray => Barang tambang /Makanan
Cliff => Makanan
Kai => Makanan
skian infonya..klo nga jelas kirim pesan aja..^^
materi referensi:
Ini untuk memerahkan hati cwe :
Stage 1 :
320044A5 00FF: Red Heart For Karen
320044D1 FFFF: Red Heart For Elle
32004525 00FF: Red Heart For Ann
32004415 00FF: Red Heart For Mary
32004359 00FF: Red Heart For Popuri
820045A4 FFFF: Red Heart For Harvest Goddess
-Stage 2 :
32006CD9 00FF: Red Heart For Karen
32006D05 00FF: Red Heart For Elle
32006D59 00FF: Red Heart For Ann
32006C49 00FF: Red Heart For Mary
32006B8D 00FF: Red Heart For Popuri
82006DD8 FFFF: Red Heart For Harvest Goddess
Stage disini maksudnya klo yang satu lagi tak bisa.. -_-
dah nikah ama harvest goddesnya ... tapi cara bawa dia ke rumah gmn???and cara hamilnya gmn??
Harvest goddest gak bisa dibawa ke rumah.. Dia tetap di mother hills.. Gak pake hamil, ntar punya anak sendiri..
@anonim:gw dah pk cr luw
tp gag bs,gw jg dah pk web yg ad
codebreaker yg luw ksh taw
ad cr laen gag??
ksh taw donk!!!
makasih atass infonya semoga sukses terus blognya ..hehe
-=to rin=-itu aslinya bisa cuman lupa beri saran..
"caranya kamu save file harvest moon kamu tapi klo load jgn dari load state misalnya F1-F10/load yang ctrl+L di atas file juga ga bisa. jadi kamu mkekny pas continue di game nah baru pake tu game coba ja deh...
saya makenya di pc(visual boy advance) klo yang lain ga tau kamu bisa cari di ini webnya indo~
yah semoga berhasil deh hehehe ....<<gba khusus pc klo lainya bisa cari di
-=Good Luck=-
Ada yang tau cheat nambahin love anjing,sapi,domba,ayam..pls klo ada yg tau jawab ya soalnya butuh bgt tuh cheat...
=..........Klo bisa yang udah dcoba/100%bisa....=
kalo cara link k harvest moon a wonderful life gmn sich?
anonoim cheat dapet uang 99999999G apa ?
codebreaker dapet uang banyak apa ??
om om bales yah !!!
klo gua ngecit gold sama rumah keren udah selesai bisa di pindahin ga datanya ke hp yang main vbag !!! gimana sih caranya ? jelasin yah pleace. ..
cheat dapet uang adalah. lu buka dulu ada bacaan cheat d atas monitor lu klik. abistu search for cheat d enter value klik uanglu yang sekarang. kalau sudah start,search,sebelum add cheat lu klik tulisan yang muncul di atas abisitu add cheat entar muncul kotak tulis deh uang sesuka hati lu. jangan ke banyakan nanti eror asalkan bisa beli vacation house aja.
buat hp tipe java bisa ga nih?
Gak bisa mas..
oh ya kalau namabahin hati anak itu gimana caranya ?
Peluk tiap hari..
hati kai dah merah, dah upgrade rmh, dan 2 kasurnya, dah punya blue feather, msh blum mau nikah...
gmna dunk?...
nama saya nanda
mas gimana supaya kalo ke tambang staminanya gak abis2 tanpa pake cheat codebreaker dsb.
tlong kasih tau ya mas
Kalau semuanya udah siap tapi dia belom mau nikah, berarti ada heart event dari Kai yang belum kamu lihat.. Makanya, sering2 aja ketemu/nyari Kai kalau udah merah hatinya..^_^
Ningkatin stamina bisa dengan minum turbojolt, bunga hijau (diletakkan di vas bunga)
ka, gmna ch cara smpe k lntai yg ratusan
abis'a br nympe lntai 70 udh biru
Wah makasih banget y, infonya
lengkap abis. tapi masih ada yang bikin bingung nih. kan ada yang nanya cara nambahin hati anak itu dengan dipeluk tiap hari. tapi, gimana meluk anaknya ? diajak ngomong aja masih belum bisa
@kiki: tingkatkan staminanya..
@kagamine: caranya sama seperti kamu ngajak ngomong pasangan kamu..
cuy wa Adya mo nanya ne, wa mo kwin" tpi kog g bsa" pdahal smw prsyratan udh wa pnuhin..
gmna tuh..
buat enable codebreaker gimana sih??? punyaku statusnya disable terus... =(( help....
om resep hal 13 kaga ad???
Mana nih cheat2 yang lain kk?
wah.. infonya cool banget. yang nanya juga kayaknya maniak abis ya.
maju trus blok kk..!
di tunggu codebreaker yang laennya ya kak.
kl bisa kk juga nambahin nih..
event2 hati para gadis/perjaka di HMMT/HMFOMT. oke!
marry jam 12.00-16.00 perpustakaan hati biru dia minta cariin buku. gitu2 kak..
makasih buat yg bisa bantu dan kk bs nambahin/nerima sarannya. :D
kk golden lumber tuh gunanya wat paan..???
infonya keren.. thx yaa..
eh cara punya anaknya gmn?
tolong kasih dftar brng" ksukaan anna dunk...
lgi pedekate ne,,,
kirim ke
cara dapet uang gampang tinggal temenan sama won yg ada di rumah zack tinggal sering kasih ke dia gold ore yg banyak terus kita bisa jual barang ke dia dan challenge dia.....klo di GBA bisa save game di slot f1-f10 nahh pas challenge dia save nanti dapet hadiah jual hadiahnya ke won kamu bakal dapet 83.000G tapi klo mau lebih untung kumpulin hadiahnya sebanyak 10 dan kasihin deh ke harvest goddes di dket pemandian nanti dapet hadiah dari Harvest goddest jual ke won senilai 1.000.000G
Gimana cara beli kompor d Harvest moon Mineral Town..???!!
Beli di TV Shopping setiap hari sabtu..
gimana sih cara nya ketemu kappa? dapetin stroberri,dan pumpkin
klo pke codebreaker tu bsa buat comp rusak g ?
@Disha : nggak, komputernya gak akan rusak, gak ngaruh ke komputer, kan buat di game nya, bukan buat komputernya...^^
@usama : lempar bunga atau buah ke danau dekat hotspring.. Dapetin stroberi+pumpkin, tanam sendiri bisa, atau beli dari won..^^
klo tempat2 jewel of truth d mana ?
mas/mbak dwi tw gk link utk download ni game..yang gratis,dan pasti bisa..he2.
soal na kelihatan menarik bgt ni game..thanks klo saya blog bagus bgt..
Download [DISINI
aduh jdi pusing...
w koq ga dpet kuda, pdhal dah musim dingin..
gmn ya kk cra nya???
Sebelum dikasih kuda, kita dititipin kuda oleh kakek2 n disuruh ngerawat.. Nah, yang seperti ini udah kamu temui belum?
kalau untuk mengupgrade rumah bagaimana caranya?
Upgrade rumah dengan membeli lumber dari tukang kayu dan mengupah tukang kayu buat mengerjakannya.. Atau, kalau kamu punya lumber sendiri, berarti kamu hanya perlu mengupah tukang kayu aja..
maaf ne mw tnya cr dapetin power berry dr goddes gmn ea??q udh lmparin bunga n hsil pnenq tp ttp g mw kasih??klo yag versi cwe seh,udh dpt power berry dr goddesx tp klw ya cwo(q maenin dua-duax) blm dpt 1kali pun...
pa goddesx emg pelit ma cwo???pdhal pedometerx dah memenuhi standar
oiya mw tnya lg cottage tu apaan ya?ktax klw mw kawin ma goddes msti dpt tu,
sorry klw tnyax dasar bgt cz q msh amatir dlm game ni yang versi komp. Klw yg d pS cc,dah finis oiya trs tnah ksong d dpan rumah popuri tu bneran bs d tinggalin?
mkasih jwbx
kak cara dapetin cursed tools itu gimana sih???
gimana cara dapetin cursed tools???
@mai : iya, emang susah dapat power berry dari goddest harvest nya, gw juga belum dapat.. Kaya'nya harus di musim2 tertentu..
@anonim : cursed tools sudah dijelaskan diatas, dibaca dunk..^^
mau tanya donk kasih tau event doctor tuh di saat apa aja yah,,,,,
saya lagi ngincer doctor,,
Kemaren ni udah d coba tapi kok gk dapet ya kk??
Ada syarat tertentu gk buat dapetinnya?
Klo mw dpt power berry ny, lo hrus ksh goddness nya grass wrna ap aj, truss lo ksh slma 10 hri brturut-turut. Pas hri yg k 10 tar dy nawarin powerberry..
Slmt mcba...
Mw nnya ne kk dwi..
Cara mbeli bibit/benih strawberry, labu & bayam tuh dmn y ???
Kta ny d Won, Tpi dy kga jual benih kya gtu deh, ada nya benih kubis, nanas, paprika & 4 mcam jenis bunga..
Ato, emnk ga da tuh benih ???
Gwa qoq ga bisa beli rumah kaca, atw emnk ga da rmh kaca ???
Sory klo nnya mlulu..
W fans brat ma Harvest moon.
gimana sich dapetin rumah kaca ...???
ku beritahu sedikit tentang cara mendapatkan blue power berry caranya jeburin cucumber ke danau yg ada winter mine nanti kamu akan bertemu kappa selama 10hari kmu akan mendapat blue power berry
waaah sya ga bisa mulu masukin cheat value..
keluar mulu serch produce.. mohon bantuuu..
Eh, Klo lo mw dpt mystic stone scra mdh & kga psing2 mw k spring mine mpe lntai 50'n(pko ny ssah), cra na mdh...
Lo bli tuh town cottage.Trus klo udh, stiap hri sabtu H.Goddness mw brmain hompimpa.Nah, klo mnang 40x trus klo maen ny yg ke 41x lo klh tar dy ngsih mystic stone..
Mdh kan ??
Cttn : ne brlaku dri jam 06.00 am - 02.00 pm, lbh dri jam itu goddness ny kga mw..
al gw mau tanya game harvest moon ada yg buat hp n gage QD ga kalo ada minta link nya dong plz tq
Cari [DISINI], ketik nama harvest moon, pilih gba, dan klik search...
ada yg tw cra dpet'n jewel of turth yg ke 8 ????
bagi yang main HM-Friend of Mineral Town ane saranin buat berhenti saja sebelum ketagihan dan segera pindah ke HM-More Friend of Mineral Town (cewek), soalnya HM-FoMT banyak cacatnya. Dan HM- MFoMT banyak yang telah diupdate. Soalnya ane telah mainin HM-FoMT sampe tahun ke-6 (pake Konsol GBA)dan sekarang baru mainin HM-MFoMT.
bro, download game harvest moon nya dmana,,, ada link nya ga??
nama saya anna gue pecinta harves moon more mineral town.adik saya minta harvest moon frends mineral town,download nya dimana sih??yang ngasih harves moon more mineral town aja dari sepupu gue,terus sepupunya pindah kota.
ada yang pernah gak dapet jewel of truth ke 9 gak?
dimana aja sih? yang gue temuinada di kandang kuda
ada air kan tekan Z dapet jewel of turth terus di rumah anjing di perpustakaan beli dari won.
ada yg tau cara dapetin stawberry ga ?
d mn aj dapetin bola hitam??
aq baru dpt 7
Apa hak lo,
larang2 gw..
nama saya putri ayu tapi bukan yang IMB[indonesia mencari bakat]lo,event heart itu apa sih?terus doctor 's gift caranya pakainya gimana sih?gue denger nya dipakai saat tidur.
sori ya' kebanyakan ,blog ini bagus amaaaaaaaaaaattttttttt!!!!!!......
klo gk salah cara dapet benih strawberry:jual turnip,potato,cucumber masing2 100 trus gmn sih cara menangin game goddess yg lower higher itu? kok kyknya susah bgt menangnya cm bs menang plg byk 15X
cara dapetin blue feathur gmana sih....
mas-mas bales ya, gue sering tulis harvest moon google gambar,terus gue lihat ada rumah sebelum nya gunung mother hill cara nya dapet rumah itu gimana sih?denger2x ada jewel of turth
gue dah nikah sama doctor dan punya anak,tapi kok kagak bisa di angkat bayi nya.gimana sih caranya
kk harvest goddest itu apa sichh??
kk cara nyuruhin kurcaci yg rumahnya dibelakang gereja caranya gimana sih kk??, tolong ya
kk gimana cara nyuruh kerja kurcaci yg dibelakang gereja itu??
hafiizh cara menyuruh kurcaci tu gmana
cara menyuruh kurcaci tu bagaimna
cara heart evennya gmana yah??? yg popouri ane chit terus tak laksanain heart evennya malah gak isa"
sorry bro... sy sdh gali smpai level 60 di goa dket gnung pd winter tp tak q tmukan apapun sprti yg d sarankan, trus gmana utk cursed toolsnya, gmana cra dapatinnya
pigin tau cara dapet rumah kaca? angel lo! ssst rumah kaca cepat rusak.cara satu-satunya adalah nunggu sampai 50 tahun!tinggal beli dari gozt.
@hafizzh eko:ngomong aja sama si kurcaci asal hatinya ada 3 atau lebih. beri flour agar cepet dapat hati si kurcaci.ohya hatinya itu cepet habis makanya sering aja ngasih flour teri makasih~~~~~......
ngomong aja sama si kurcaci
Cara Chit Duit :
1. Klik "Cheat" pada toolbar window VBA-nya
2. Klik Search For Cheat Atau shortcut "ALT+Configurasi GS lo"
3. Ikuti Configurasi Cheat nya
A. 16/32 Bit
B. Signed
C. Equal
4. Tulis Uang kamu Pda Kolom Putih
5. Klik Start.
6. Klik Search,
7. Lihat Adress yang kamu temui, jika lebih dari tiga Beli sesuatu dan chek ketempat Cheat cari yang sama dengan uang kamu...
Seperti layak nya cheat engine ""
BY: Cheat Enginer...
kaak aku rona, mau nanya. gimana sih cara dapetin cursed tool? aku udah d level 79 nih, udah pecahin semua batu, sama udah digali semua tanah nya, tapi gak dapet ToT
itu dijamin bisa kan?
kk car nikah ama popuri giman sih kasih tau donk
saya Adin kak... mau tanya nih..
Jewel of truth ada dimana aja sih??
aku baru dapet 5... beli di Won,di tempat air kandang kuda,nuker di horse race,di perpustakaan,sama di kandang anjing... nah!! 4 lagi dimana tuh?? mohon bantuannya kak (_ _ )V
jewel of truth :
1. di rumah anjing kamu
2. di samping tempat minum kuda
3. di salah satu rak buku perpustakaan lantai 2
4. di lampu pertama yang ada di jalan antara gereja ke arah rose square
5. dibelakang tambang musim dingin
6. beli sama Won
7. di pacuan kuda, tukerin poin
8. di kalender di mountain cottage (kawin 50th lebih)
9. kalo udah ada 8 bawa semuanya ke walikota, ngobrol, terus periksa kulkasnya.
kalo udah ada 9 bakal berubah jadi gem of truth, kalo kamu pake di rucksack bakalan nunjukkin level strength, stamina, ama fatique kamu
| * Cursed Fishing Rod | Lantai 29 Tanah|
| * Cursed Hoe | Lantai 39 Tanah|
| * Cursed Axe | Lantai 49 Tanah|
| * Cursed Hammer | Lantai 59 Tanah|
| * Cursed Watering Can| Lantai 69 Tanah|
| * Cursed Sickle | Lantai 79 Tanah|
bukan di batu.
cursed tool nya kadang2 ngak muncul, jadi save dulu sebelum turun tangga.
Tanya apa aja deh sama aq. Mesternya HM gitu loh (LOL) ☺ ☻
mau nanya lagi.hehe
kan udah ngasih Yarn sama Ellen,kok gak di buatin sock sih? emang harus ngasih berapatuh?
Aku Juhan
Aku bingung sama cheat uang yg pake VBA,
udah specific value,16 bits, equal, signed, enter value 1000000, start, search. tapi gak muncul satu addres pun.
malah yg muncul =
search produced no result
Whats wrong
kk Sya Slah Stu penggemar harvesmoon..
Gmna Cara nya nikahin Anjing....
capek capek gua naikin cheat eh gitu udahd di save mau d load lagi error
zzzzzzzzzzzzzz gimana dong caranya?
mw nanyak ni.. gimana dapetin milk (P)...
mas punya save harvestmooon yg sudah di game sharke/duitnya sdh dibuat banyak?
aku kasih donk mas?
kk,gimana caranya biar bisa melengkapi peralatan rumah?
makasih ^^
aq dach tau smua tentang cheat harvest moon,.,.,
apa yah barang yang di sukai tokoh wanita di harvest moon friend of mineral town
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