This is how to installing virtual key on symbian s60v5 and 5800XM and HOW TO COMPARATED IT WITH N-GAGE 2.0
For indonesian, I'm sorry to using english for this post. You may need translator on the top for translate this post or other post that using english on my blog. As we know Nokia 5800 is touch screen mobile, no have right/left soft key. Now you can fix them wit this application. This is very important if you want to installing Garmin XT, or playing games who not supported touch screen.
Sign and install Virtual Keyboard
.sis. Just it. Finish.. and now we try to comparated it with n-gage 2.0
Here, this is the most stable and easy to configure control scheme, I can confirm this works OK.
Let's do it.
Control Method #1: Run the virtual keyboard application from your "Applications" menu and then start the NGage application. You can use the Virtual Keyboard to control your games.
Control Method #2:
This control scheme is still a work in progress but, with some fiddling and a varying degree of luck, you may be able to get it to work. Some people have confirmed it working with different settings. I feel that this setup, if working correctly, would be the best way to control NGage on a Nokia 5800. I would like to request feedback from anyone who has this method working!
Step 1.)
Sign and install "Virtual Keyboard.sis" and then "Virtual Key.sis", both of which can be found in the "Control Method #2" folder of the Install Package.
Step 2.)
Start up "Virtual Keyboard" so that you have it running on screen and then proceed to start up "Virtual Key".
Step 3.)
In the Virtual Key application, choose "Options" then "Load Mode" and choose "Custom Mode 1".
Step 4.)
Press "Options" then "Add". Highlight "Original Key" and then press the Right arrow on the Virtual Keyboard application you loaded earlier. Then highlight "Mapped Key" and hold down the "Volume -" key then press the "Volume +" key. If all has worked correctly the mapped key should change to "Vol+". Then do the same for the following:
Mapped: Original:
Then press "Options" and save your "Custom Mode 1".
Step 4.)
Set the Virtual Key application to run in the background and completely exit the Virtual Keyboard application.
Step 5.)
Start up the NGage application and try to play a game. Hopefully the Up/Down volume keys will control Left/Right when holding the phone horizontally, and the other keys should do what you mapped them to above. You may have to use the volume keys in the same way you had to set them (Hold down Vol- and press Vol+ etc)
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Virtual Keyboard 0.9.4.mod for s60v5 & 5800XM
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17 Comment (s):
Hehehe.. ^_^ i dream it.. but i feel I'm not so good for it (created game) ^_^ it too strange and high focus needed ^_^
bro, cara tekan Vol+ sama Vol- gimana di mapped key? saya ga bisa nih, padahal pas mau ngisi mapped key udah saya tekan tombol volnya, di virtual keyboardnya nggak ada
Baca step 4..
Press "Options" then "Add". Highlight "Original Key" and then press the Right arrow on the Virtual Keyboard application you loaded earlier. Then highlight "Mapped Key" and hold down the "Volume -" key then press the "Volume +" key. If all has worked correctly the mapped key should change to "Vol+". Then do the same for the following:
Mapped: Original:
Then press "Options" and save your "Custom Mode 1".
iya bro tapi mapped keynya nggak bisa diisi, kan kudu diisi pake Vol+ kan? itu tombol volumenya ga bisa ditekan
saya artikan sedikit,
Tekan "Options" lalu "Tambah". Sorot "Original Key" dan kemudian tekan panah kanan pada aplikasi Keyboard Virtual Anda dimuat sebelumnya. Lalu sorot "Mapped Key" dan tahan tombol "Volume -" tombol kemudian tekan tombol "Volume +" tombol. Jika semua telah bekerja dengan benar kunci yang dipetakan harus berubah ke "Vol +".
iya bro ane ngerti ampe situ, tapi ane mau tanya, kok tombol volume ane ga bisa diteken, jadi ga keluar di mapped key, apa ane salah? sori bro ngerepotin
kenapa kamu gak bisa? gw bisa nih..
Coba perhatikan baik2 instruksinya, mungkin kamu ada yang kelewat.. coba nekan tombol volume nya dalam posisi ditahan
hadoh bro, mati penasaran nih saya haha.
nih saya udah isi original key, pake right, bener kan?
terus saya klik mapped key sambil teken vol- dan hasilnya ga keluar apa2, dosa apa saya? haha
saya tidak tahu langkah detil yang kamu lakukan.. pelan-pelan kamu pelajari aja.. kalau gw bisa kenapa kamu gak?? itu aja bro ^_^
bro sip thanks yang vol udah bisa! YES itu tombol yang mana ya bro? kalo NO kan udah ada tuh di special key
gag bisa tuh,, udah di setting mapped n originalnya, terus di run in background.buka n gage tapi ditekan2 vol + dan vol - nya gag ada yng berubah. ditekan tombol kamera malah kameranya aktif,,, help plzzz
Kepada orang yang berkomentar dengan nama anonim diatas yang tidak bisa menggunakan virtual key. Anda tidak menggunakan virtual key yang saya sediakan di blog ini! Tidakkah anda membaca judul posting ini?!!! Virtual key mod! Virtual key ini fixed! Pantas saya heran anda tidak bisa, ternyata anda tidak menggunakan virtual key saya!
mas koq virtual key yang dimaksud gak ada, hanya ada virtual keyboard aja dan untuk control#1 dan 2 tidak ada dalam rarnya...
O'on nya anda ini.. Itu pengaturannya woi!! Anda ini kebanyakan bertanya dari kemarin. coba anda lakukan dulu, praktekkan dulu!! Saya sarankan anda tidak usah menginstall virtual key lah, saya lihat anda sama sekali tidak mengerti sedikitpun tentang ponsel symbian dan bahasa inggris anda parah.. yang begini mudah saja anda sudah kebingungan.. Kalau anda berniat menginstall, ajaklah teman anda atau minta bantuan teman anda yang mengerti tentang ponsel dan bahasa inggris.. Itu saja saran saya
Bro,diatas disebutkan "sign and install virtual keyboard",cara sign-nya gimana bro, , ,?
Coz setiap saya mau nginstall pasti ada tulisan "Certificate error.Contact the application supplier",gimana bro, , ,?
5800 ane udah di hack bro,sejauh ini udah bisa,,cuma sayang nya font nya tidak ke baca wkt buka virtual key nya,,krn font nya udah ane ganti dari yang asli,,hiks jadi bingung urutan menu virtual key option letak nya dmn dll
mas dwi hp saya 5800 sudah sign virtual key nya ,tapi pas install gk bisa
Ada tulisan gini "akses ke aplikasi yg diminta tidak diberikan"
Mohon bantuannya
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