LeechGet merupakan download manager yang sangat mudah digunakan, modern & terintegrasi ke Internet Explorer. Mendownload jadi lebih mudah.
Sebagai tambahan, LeechGet menyediakan banyak fitur, seperti mendownload otomatis, melanjutkan download yang gagal, otomatis shut down saat download selesai (jika diset), dan banyak lagi. LeechGet mampu mendownload lengkap sebuah website dengan seluruh gambar dan scriptnya dengan cepat. LeechGet juga menawarkan sebuah history dari file-file yang telah anda download, mensortirnya berdasarkan hari, minggu, dan bulan. Fitur tambahan lainnya termasuk a file drop icon, speed monitor, dan banyak lagi.
LeechGet Features
* Full Internet Explorer integration; Plug-Ins for Mozilla and Opera users are available! Additionally, you can start downloads via Drag&Drop or intercept them from clipboard.
* Comfortable Wizards ensure that you get downloads done as easy and fast as possible
* Built-in download history and Traffic counter
* A speed monitor shows you the current bandwidth usage
* LeechGet allows you to specify either how much bandwidth the downloads may use all together or set values for every single download (Speed limit)
* Possibility to split downloads into smaller parts (called Tasks) to speed up transfer
* Schedule downloads for a certain time
* Web-Parser included
* LeechGet is available in over 20 languages (among others: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Hungarian, Polish, Chinese...)
* A lot more features that a comfortable Download Manger simply *must* have
* Auto-Update function (for Premium users only)
* Technical Support (Premium users only).
Klik disini untuk mendapatkan link downloadnya.
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N-Gage Classic and QD
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- Mempercepat akses menu
- Cara atasi apps.closed main error & Startup failed pada N-Gage
- Cara install game di N-Gage
- Buat N-Gage sebagai Modem
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- N-Gage Cool - Emulator Java untuk PC
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- Opera 6.2
- Netfront v31 build 102d
- PDF Plus 1.65
- Photo Suite 3.0
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- LCG JukeBox 2.17
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- Tony Hawks Pro Skater & SC Ghost Recon Jungle Storm
- Karakter rahasia di The sims Bustins Out N-Gage
- Saved Game N-Gage 2.0
- Walkthrough for Hooked on Creature of Deep
- Rahasia Harvest Moon FoMT
- Hint Harvest Moon FoMT
- Menikahi Goddest Harvest
- Tony Hawks Pro Skater & SC Ghost Recon Jungle Storm
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Tags : Aplikasi, software, java, s60 2rd, s60 3rd, ngage, gratis, trik, Internet gratis, Handler, Naruto, Hinata, Sharingan, Byakugan, Rinnegan, Hokage, Uchiha, player rmvb, BiNPDA, Cracked, Keygen, Free, Download, Full N-gage, Game, N-gage 2.0, N-gage classic, N-gage QD, Komunitas n-gage, emulator game, sega, picodrive, vbag
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