What's new :
1.The new decorder architecture reduces cpu and power compusmtion,increase performance and results.
2.Support mp3 decoding system,the real spectrum displays.
3.Support the left and channels balance adjusment.
4.Readjust and optimize the left menu.
5.Increase the shortcut menu,shortcuts keys '1' breath.
6.To increase according to name album,by adding time random
arragement of such sort.
7.Increase the marking and mobility features.
8.Optimize the pop-up boy interface to display.
9.To increase the size font and color lyrics interface.
10.Increase the smooth fast forward.
11.Send a file direct the default
bluetooth to send.
12.Custom list add "favorites" list deafault.
13.Supported image directory
from the defenition.
14.Removal eq again.
Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi pemutar musik handal yang wajib ada di ponsel s60v3 kamu. Aplikasi ini sudah sign dan dicrack. Kode aktivasinya adalah: 0000000000.
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» TTpod V3.70_en signed and cracked by dw1-ma1hut for S60 3rd (best music player)
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» TTpod V3.70_en signed and cracked by dw1-ma1hut for S60 3rd (best music player)
TTpod V3.70_en signed and cracked by dw1-ma1hut for S60 3rd (best music player)
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15 Comment (s):
dah bosen pake to??yang lain gk da ya??to edit ala mas dwi gk ada?
numpang sedot om ..
om blh req gk ?
tlg cariin FLV player buat s60v3 donk om
w cari di google gk dpt"
thanks b4
mas saat gue buka TTpodnya ada tulisan sistem salah hpku N73 ME...mohon pencerahannya..
Sudah di hack hp nya?
hpku sudah di hack msh tetep ga' bisa...
Lho, ini aplikasinya bisa diinstall kok, baru saya coba install ulang di hp saya.. Apa ada teman2 lain yang juga punya masalah menginstall aplikasi ini? Mohon dilaporkan biar diselidiki...
mas... hpku 5730xm ud di hack. ud install TTPOD nya tp dia minta " enter lisensi"
apaan tuh ya.....
mas..hpku 5730xm. ud di hack. n ud di install TTPOD nya. tp koq ya diminta " enter lisensi"
gimana tuh???
hp sy 5730xm . ud di hack. n ud diinstal tp koq g bisa dibuka "enter license" mksdny ap neee
help y.
Gini ya, aplikasi crack itu, kalau sewaktu dipakai dia minta kode lisensi, masukkan aja sembarang nomor... Misalnya 00000, Ok?^_^
masss.gmna nasib N73ku???
di NOKIA 6120C q malah pas nginstall ada tulisan certificate error, contact the application spplier,..gt ,.mas ,...
ketika dibuka ttpod muncul tulisan error km harus install ttpod patch
link ttpod patch
dulu..kunjungi mobile9......aq upload disana..mulai coreplayer 1.36 with 25 skin support,ttpod 3.80 with 25 premium skin...nokia ovi maps repacked by me..thanks (reinaldiandrian)
bsa wat 7610 gak
gan,ga bisa lisensi nomornya T.T
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