
Widget "Search and Download" for blog, wap, and web (UPDATE)

This widget provided to helping your visitors'site to search file that they want and download it with free! File will be classified order by type. E.G : I assumed you want to download Quick Office for your phone, then you just type "Quick Office" to "NAME" area and select the type in "ORDER BY" area, then click SEARCH button. In "ORDER BY" area, there are 37 of kinds that you can select. Quick, easy and more eficient, right? I made this for a long time, and I want to share this. If you like copy this script bellow to your blog, wap, or web. Hope this will be useful for your site ^_^

8 Comment (s):

dani mengatakan...

Mz aq mw mnta tlg, hpQ nokia N97mini.. Mw aq pasangin game N gage.2 trus aplikasi sis.x tp knp g bs (sertifikat kadaluarsa/data corrupt) mohon bimbingan.. Apa prlu dihack? Trz caranya sama dg 5800 xm ato tidak? Saya blm mngerti.. Maklum baru megang hp Bagus.. SblmYA terima kasih.

Dwi Maihut mengatakan...

Yup, sama.. Tergantung firmwarenya juga, kalau hp kamu firmware terbaru sulit juga di hack.. Tentang sertifikat kadaluarsa/corrupt itu gini, kalau peringatannya "sertifikat kadaluarsa", solusinya mundurkan tahun di hp kamu, dan kalau peringatannya "corrupt", itu memang mesti di hack...

Unknown mengatakan...

membantu banget kak u/ blogku, ditunggu kunjungannya yy http://www.yugo21.blogspot.com

Unknown mengatakan...

izin nerapin kak yy, ditunggu kunjungan baliknya


sasuke mengatakan...

bang dwi,aku mengucapkn trima kasih atas pembuatan "widget search and download" di blog ini,skrng aku bisa lebih gampang mencri file yg kuinginkan,apalgi skrng 4shared.com tdk bsa dipakai mndownload file dri hp lgi

cloud mengatakan...

bos mampir diblogku ya.. jgn lupa comment...thx

cyaibertrix mengatakan...

gan tolong jadikan link gw sebagai teman loe cz link loe ud gw pasang

daura mengatakan...

qu mau download game harvest moon untuk n gage qd qu tp qu g tau caranya...
tolong kasih tau qu dunx k caranya..

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